What does the MindGrapher™ app do?
MindGrapher™ is an app-based system that contains a combination of two interlinked apps, one for the professional and one for individual clients. Built atop a seamless and secure line of communication between professionals and their clients, the system . . .
1. allows the professional to ask the client about the challenges they are facing and the processes of change they are deploying when outside of a clinical session, and
2. provides reports to the professional using advanced idionomic statistical methods about the skills and coping methods the client is using and how they relate to outcomes the client cares about.
MindGrapher™ is designed to be able to be plugged into treatment facilitation apps that provide small exercises and kernels that can be used by the provider to educate clients about processes that may need to be worked on and to help establish new skills the professional and client may be interested is targeting. The app also offers e-learning opportunities to professionals, and links to books and online courses which will help them become more adept in process-based intervention approaches. Finally, the advanced statistical tools for analysis of client longitudinal data will be made available to researchers and care evaluators.
How is this system deployed?
The MindGrapher™ system will only be directly available to professionals. It will cost approximately $199 a year. Monthly subscriptions will also be available for a higher overall yearly cost. The client app is designed to be provided free by the professional to as many of their clients as they wish. The app, designed to be usable in any language, is available only via the web. Customers can cancel their yearly subscription and receive a full refund anytime within the first month of use.
At launch the app will be deployed as a free-standing system and will be available through this website and other outlets. It will also be available at launch as a plug in for a commercial treatment facilitation app called “PsychFlex”. Similar plus in arrangements are currently being discussed with other app companies and may emerge over time.
Who retains the data generated by MindGrapher™?
Fully deidentified process to outcome data are retained by IBH. Privacy is protected via the standards applicable to GDPR and HIPPA regulations. Clients will have full rights of opting out and of disappearance. Only very limited demographic data will be retained so that even if all of the protections were fully breached and the permanently stored data were seen in their entirety, the privacy of all individuals using the app would be fully protected.
Who controls access to the data?
The IBH Scientific Advisory Board and the Board of IBH does so. IBH is seeking grants and charitable development funds to provide access to the database.
Will researchers or systems of care administrators be able to access the new analytic tools directly?
Most results reporting will be through the app but we do anticipate having “power users” pay to access the data analytic tools directly. That is yet to be determined.